Who We Are: Leadership Through Faith

A Leadership Perspective

Plumline Leadership Institute, a 501 © 3 “Faith-Focused” organization, the mission is to provide leadership training and development, mentoring, coaching, and offer organizational and professional development to churches, non-profits, schools, individuals, faith-based organizations, and corporations to ensure capacity for sustainability, and growth.

A plumbline is an accurate tool for determining whether something is perfectly upright. PLI measures skillsets, behaviors, and actions of the organizations hoping to bring out the best in them by assessing and leading them in the right direction. The Lord uses a “plumbline” - His Word to determine the well-being of His people (Amos 7:7,8).


Dr. Benjamin A. Griffin, as the founder and president of Plumline Leadership Institute, has spent more than 40 years in public ministry and pursued a bi-vocational career working in a pastoral capacity in church leadership & development. He has designed and facilitated a curriculum for soft skills training, strategic planning, organizational development, conflict resolution, and ministry leadership. He holds an Ed.D, a D.Min., an MAM, an MPA certificate, and a BA in Ministry. He is a School of Preaching Graduate, holds an MDiv. in Bible Exposition and is a Certified OD Coach (ICF). He has functioned as a university associate dean, program director, and professor. He has authored five books. His motto is: “Bringing out the Best in Others.”

A man in a suit and tie standing up against a wall.